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Home is a place of comfort and it is no wonder that many people want to spend their final days at home, surrounded by family and friends. A Dartmouth Atlas of HealthCare study found that more than 80% of patients with a chronic disease want to avoid hospitalization and intensive care when they are dying. Despite this, only about25% of Americans die at home. It is amisunderstood myththat hospice is a place, when really it is a form of high-quality care for those nearing the end of life. Hospice provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support to wherever our patients call home – whether in their own home, an assisted living facility, or a nursing home. To educate and help ease the worries of families facing this difficult time, we’d like to discuss what to expect with at-home hospice care.

When you oryour loved one is going into hospice, know that you are not alone. Agapé Hospice and Palliative Care is dedicated to every patient’s total wellbeing and maximizing the quality and comfort of their life. Our hospice care team members work with each patient and their family to create a unique plan of care specific to their own needs, desires, and goals. This plan is reviewed on a regular basis and changed as needed.

After meeting with you, our team will coordinate a schedule of regular visits. This often includes: nursing, any assistance needed with personal care, and emotional/spiritual counseling. It all depends upon the care plan and what the patient wants.

Remember that by accepting hospice, you remain in control. It may be a bit disconcerting to have new people come into your home, your safe place. But we are here to help take care of the patient, not to take over. The patient and family are always at the center of the hospice team. You are the experts on what exactly you want and need during this end-of-life experience. By sharing this with our team, we’ll understand how best to care for you.

Two hands hold a hospice patient's hand in LA or Orange County

Our hospice team is compassionate and caring with every patient. You can count on us for guidance and a network of support. The Agapé philosophy is about improving the patient’s quality of life and providing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual support. You and your family, rather than the terminal illness itself, are the focus. By working together, we can ensure that you receive pain and other symptom management in an atmosphere of dignity and love. This allows our patients and their families to have more meaningful days and make the most of the time left.

If you or your loved one is terminally ill, consider this compassionate hospice and palliative care sooner rather than later. Agapé Hospice and Palliative Care is always available to answer any questions, admit patients, and provide care.

Please feel free to call us at 213-784-2733 or email You can also reach out by filling out the contact form below and someone will get back to you shortly.

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