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Death is an inevitable part of life. We all will face it sooner or later. But that does not mean we have to be powerless in this final chapter of life. Agapé Hospice and Palliative Care provides the opportunity to experience end-of-life with peace of mind and in comfort.

There is no ideal end-of-life journey; everyone’s experience is unique. For some, the end is sudden while for others it is a gradual decline. For some, their mind stays sharp while their body weakens. For others, the cognitive decline is the harshest of all. No matter what the end-of-life experience looks like, dignity matters at all stages of life and during this final stage especially. Hospice care focuses on the patient and their loved ones’ needs to ensure they are comfortable and treated with dignity near the end-of-life.

Regardless of the reality of death, it’s often difficult to accept one’s own mortality and it is a sensitive subject to discuss with others. Of course this is understandable due to the unknown of what comes after and for others: the painful prospect of saying goodbye and losing someone you love. It can be a difficult conversation for both sides. Hospice can help ease this emotional and spiritual hurdle, bringing the patient and their loved ones together in the precious final days, weeks, or months.

Our hospice professionals are experienced in dealing with this difficult time in a person’s life and can help with:

  • Providing emotional support.
  • Explaining the patient’s medical situation to loved ones.
  • Providing education to the patient and loved ones to assist them in decision making.
  • Facilitating spiritual support for the patient and loved ones.

While the diagnosis of a terminal illness may mean there’s no definitive cure, it doesn’t mean support isn’t still needed, whether medical support or emotional support from friends and family. There are many possibilities of continued care for an individual who is terminally ill. Ideally this care is provided by a team, such as in hospice. Our Agapé Hospice team includes registered nurses, physicians, certified hospice aides, social workers, spiritual counselors, volunteers, and bereavement counselors.A closeup photograph of people holding hands when a patient in hospice is at the end of their life in LA or Orange County

Two integral members of our team in particular help to bring peace of mind to patients during the end-of-life experience: social workers and spiritual counselors.

  • Social workers provide a psychological and emotional assessment of the patient / family regarding death, dying and bereavement, and assist patient’s and loved ones with grief counseling and end-of-life planning. Hospice social workers advocate for each patient’s end-of-life wishes and help individuals address the emotional aspects of their illnesses.
  • Our spiritual counselors are drawn from many faith traditions and are specially trained for ecumenical hospice chaplaincy. The responsibilities of a hospice spiritual care coordinator revolve around caring for the spiritual needs of each hospice patient and their families. Their duties include arranging counseling for patients and grieving families, offering spiritual support to caregivers, and helping with funeral planning.

While this final chapter of life can be scary for any individual, we have learned that the earlier hospice care begins, the more meaningful and beneficial the support is for patients, caregivers, and loved ones.

Hospice and palliative care is more than pain management and providing comfort. It’s a gift that brings emotional and spiritual healing to families. When a cure is no longer possible and the patient decides to stop aggressive treatment, our Agapé Hospice team steps in to help provide for the needs of the patient and their family. Every single person on our team is passionate about working in hospice. We are blessed to offer this service to you when you need us.

If you or your loved one is terminally ill, consider this compassionate hospice and palliative care sooner rather than later. Please feel free to call us at 213-784-2733 or email We are always available to talk and here to help. You can also reach out by filling out the contact form on our website to inquire.

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