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At Agapé Hospice, We Believe in Patient Focused Care.

Every single person on our team is passionate about working at hospice. When we carry this compassion with us, a shift happens in the family home. It is naturally a distressful situation and our level of compassion creates a shift where everyone works together to help the patient.

End of life can be a stressful setting of hospitals and procedures. Conventionally, death is often thought of as medical failure and sometimes the patient’s wishes can be set aside as a priority. Palliative care, however, is not about trying to prolong life but rather about providing relief. It may be thought of as “comfort care”. Our caregivers consider the patient’s quality of life and try to improve it. Agapé Hospice focuses on our patients more than anything and on their loved ones too. We are committed to comfort, and honoring life.

Our Hospice team helps manage the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues associated with the end of life experience. What does that look like? This can mean managing difficult physical symptoms like pain, nausea, and fatigue or mental health like depression and anxiety. Our team will even bring medications into the house for patients so they are delivered directly and quickly.

If a patient would like care at home, we can provide hospital beds in the home so they don’t have to move to a hospital or facility for hospice. We offer wheelchairs, walkers, and anything else needed for mobility so they can still enjoy quality of life like going outdoors.Someone in hospice care at the end of their life holding hands and touching a rose in LA or Orange County

Palliative care benefits not just patients, but their loved ones as well. Agapé Hospice was created to provide more than other hospice. We’re a partner for this experience but we also wind up becoming family to our patients and their families, and they all become family to us too.

Agapé Hospice helps the patient and their loved ones through a therapeutic approach to emotional support. Our bereavement program offers support and counseling to the patient, the family, loved ones, and any care staff, for a minimum of thirteen months following a patient’s death.

Agapé Hospice can provide palliative care at home, a hospital, a nursing home, or an assisted-living facility. Since 2014, we have been providing excellence in end-of-life care to our patients in LA & Orange County California.

Contact us on our website to inquire about hospice and palliative care for your loved one. You can also call us at 213-784-2733 or email

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